Almathera Ten Pack 2: CDPD 1
Almathera Ten on Ten - Disc 2: CDPD 1.iso
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228 lines
* Switch.a -- TrackSalve
* # date by Comment
* -- --------- ---- ---------------------
* 0 29-Oct-89 DWR Created for Tracksalve
* nolist
INCLUDE "Call.i"
INCLUDE "ts.i"
INCLUDE "exec/tasks.i"
INCLUDE "exec/resident.i"
* list
CSECT text,code,0,1,2 Any xref's after this are 16-bit reloc
* PCtoTS
* We need to catch Trackdisk in its highest task-loop. Otherwise we could lose control
* after an rts. This loop is rather small: 7 instuctions. One of the instructions is a
* jsr _LVOWait(a6). Trackdisk is waiting here for a timer or an IORequest and will be here
* most of the time. If we change the return address to our code, Trackdisk smoothly enters
* our code. We change this address only if TD is at this point.
* Input: a0 UnitData structure
* Output: d0 0 if caught else E_CATCHTD
* Usage: d2 PC of TD-task at the point where we want to change it
* d6 Timeout counter
* d7 Error
* a2 TSControl structure
* a3 UnitData structure
* a5 Task stucture of Trackdisk unit task
* NB! We are accessing the TSControl structure in a way that needs protection.
Func PCtoTS,@PCtoTS
movem.l d2/d3/d6/d7/a2/a3/a5,-(a7)
moveq.l #0,d7 No error for now
move.l a0,a3 UnitData structure
move.l UD_TDReq+IO_UNIT(a3),a5 Lea Unit structure of the Trackdisk IORequest
move.b TDU_UnitNr(a5),d3 Get unit number (to set InUse flag later)
move.l MP_SIGTASK(a5),a5 Lea Task control block associated with this port
move.l UD_TSControl(a3),a2 Control structure
move.l TSC_TDTag(a2),d2 Begin of TD code
add.l #$1592,d2 Add offset of desired return address
moveq.l #25,d6 We put a limit here, so we will not hang forever if TD is dead
CheckPC ExCall Forbid Prevent TD to become active
move.l TC_SPUPPER(a5),a0 Initial stackpointer of TD
cmp.l WaitRtnPC(a0),d2 Is TD on the desired spot?
beq.s ChangePC Yes, change the return address..
LibCall Permit No, give TD a chance to change its situation
moveq.l #10,d1 We will wait for a fifth of a second
DOSCall Delay Sleeping
dbra d6,CheckPC And try again..
moveq.l #E_CATCHTD,d7 But not forever, so set error
bra.s PCtoTSRtn Quit..
ChangePC move.l d2,UD_ReturnTD(a3) Save original TD address
move.l TSC_TSCode(a2),WaitRtnPC(a0) Change return addres to adress in our code
move.l TC_Userdata(a5),UD_Userdata(a3) Keep original value (although TD does not use it)
move.l a3,TC_Userdata(a5) Make UnitData structure known to TD-task
bset.b d3,TSC_InUse(a2) Set flag to prevent freeing the TSControl structure
LibCall Permit Multitasking on again
PCtoTSRtn move.l d7,d0 Error
movem.l (a7)+,d2/d3/d6/d7/a2/a3/a5
* RelocateTS
* Modify position dependend values in copied TSCode
* Input: a0 TSControl structure
Func RelocateTS,@RelocateTS
move.l TSC_TSCode(a0),a0
lea.l TSCodeRelocTable(pc),a1
10$ move.w (a1)+,d0
beq.s 20$
move.l a0,d1
add.l 0(a0,d0.w),d1
move.l d1,0(a0,d0.w)
bra.s 10$
20$ rts
xref TSCodeRelocTable
* RelocateTD
* Modify position dependend values in relocated Trackdisk code versions 33.127 and 34.1
* Input: a0 TSControl structure
ifd __stdargs
Func _RelocateTD
move.l 4(a7),a0
Func RelocateTD,@RelocateTD
move.l TSC_TSTag(a0),a1 Begin of copy of Trackdisk code
move.l TSC_TDTag(a0),d0 Begin of Trackdisk code (in ROM)
* cmp.l a1,RT_MATCHTAG(a1) Does our copy has its self-pointer right?
* beq.s RelocateRtn Yes, already relocated..
sub.l a1,d0 TD org minus TD copy = relocation value
lea.l RelocTable(pc),a0 Table of relative addresses to relocate
bra.s Relocate20 Enter loop..
Relocate10 sub.l d0,0(a1,d1.w) Only Amiga makes it possible!
Relocate20 move.w (a0)+,d1 Get offset in TD-code
bne.s Relocate10
RelocateRtn rts
*-- You can obtain this table by comparing version 1.2 and 1.3 and do some editing on the result
RelocTable dc.w $0002
dc.w $0006
dc.w $000E
dc.w $0012
dc.w $0016
dc.w $0324
dc.w $032A
dc.w $03C0
dc.w $091C
dc.w $0940
dc.w $0966
dc.w $0980
dc.w $0994
dc.w $09B6
dc.w $09C4
dc.w $09CC
dc.w $0A00
dc.w $0A04
dc.w $0A08
dc.w $0A0C
dc.w $0A10
dc.w $0A14
dc.w $0A1C
dc.w $0A20
dc.w $0A24
dc.w $0A28
dc.w $0A2C
dc.w $0A30
dc.w $0A34
dc.w $0A38
dc.w $0A3C
dc.w $0A40
dc.w $0A44
dc.w $0A48
dc.w $0A4C
dc.w $0A50
dc.w $0A54
dc.w $0A58
dc.w $0A5C
dc.w $0A60
dc.w $0A64
dc.w $0A68
dc.w $0A6C
dc.w $0A70
dc.w $127E
dc.w $12EA
dc.w $1316
dc.w $1352
dc.w $1386
dc.w $13E4
dc.w $1446
dc.w $1690
dc.w $16B8
dc.w $195A
dc.w $19A2
dc.w $19B2
dc.w 0
* PatchMem
* Change memory according to a table
* Input: a0 Memory to change
* a1 Patchtable (Offset.w, Size.w, Patch.w[Size])
Func PatchMem,@PatchMem
movem.l a2,-(a7)
move.l a0,a2 Lea begin of memory
GetNextPatch move.l a2,a0 Begin of memory
move.w (a1)+,d0 Get offset in code to put patch
add.w d0,a0 Lea destination of patch
move.w (a1)+,d1 Get size of patch in words
beq.s PatchMemRtn No patch, done..
bra.s CopyPatch10 Enter copyloop
CopyPatch move.w (a1)+,(a0)+ Copy word of code
CopyPatch10 dbra d1,CopyPatch Loop ..
bra.s GetNextPatch Examine next entry in Patchtable
PatchMemRtn movem.l (a7)+,a2